Filing of Divorce in Thailand

Dissolving a marriage in Thailand can be a complex and emotional process. Understanding the legal framework and procedures involved in filing for divorce is crucial for navigating this challenging experience. This guide delves into the two primary methods of divorce in Thailand – uncontested (administrative) divorce and contested (judicial) divorce, outlining the key aspects, requirements, and potential considerations for each.

Understanding the Grounds for Divorce in Thailand:

Thai law recognizes several grounds for divorce, including:

  • Adultery: One spouse has committed adultery.
  • Desertion: One spouse has deserted the other for more than a year without reasonable cause.
  • Cruelty: One spouse has inflicted physical or mental cruelty on the other.
  • Mutual consent: Both spouses agree to dissolve the marriage.
  • Incurable insanity: One spouse has been diagnosed with incurable insanity for at least three years.
  • Uncurable, communicable, and dangerous disease: One spouse has contracted an incurable, communicable, and dangerous disease.

Uncontested (Administrative) Divorce:

This method is the quicker and simpler option, available only if both spouses agree to the divorce and have no disagreements regarding child custody, property division, or other related issues.

Requirements and Process:

  • Both spouses must be present at the district office where their marriage was registered.
  • Original marriage certificate and identification documents of both spouses are required.
  • divorce agreement outlining the terms of the separation, including child custody and property division (optional).
  • No waiting period is required. Upon agreement and completion of necessary paperwork, the divorce is finalized.

Contested (Judicial) Divorce:

This method is necessary when one or both spouses disagree on the terms of the divorce, including child custody, property division, or other aspects. It typically involves a longer and more complex legal process.

Requirements and Process:

  • Filing a petition for divorce with the appropriate court, stating the grounds for divorce and desired outcome regarding child custody and property division.
  • Serving the petition to the other spouse.
  • Attending court hearings and presenting evidence to support the claims.
  • The court will issue a judgment on the divorce, including provisions regarding child custody, property division, and any other relevant matters.

Additional Considerations:

  • Foreigners: The process for foreigners may involve additional complexities. Seeking legal guidance from an attorney experienced in Thai family law is highly recommended.
  • Child Custody: If children are involved, the court will determine their custody arrangements based on their best interests.
  • Legal Representation: Consider seeking legal representation from a qualified lawyer who can guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and ensure a fair and efficient resolution.


Understanding the available options and their respective requirements is crucial for navigating the divorce process in Thailand. While an uncontested divorce offers a faster and simpler option, seeking legal advice from a qualified lawyer is crucial, especially in contested cases, to ensure a smooth and legally sound resolution that protects your interests and the well-being of any involved children. Remember, this guide offers a general overview, and it is essential to consult with legal professionals for specific advice regarding your individual circumstances.

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